9 Ways to have Perfectly Natural Curly Hair.

Curly hair is amazing, it’s easy to detangle and hardly freezes. You can stand out from the crowd of straight hairstyles

by embracing your curly hair.

 Below are 9 Ways to have perfectly natural curly hair.

1) Wash and pat dry your hair: 

After washing your hair with the right hair conditioner products, the next step will be to dry your hair. Use an ultra-absorbent
microfiber towel to pat and scrunch your curly hair dry. Pat-drying your hair will limit hair breakage and other hair damages.
Don’t rub your towel on your curls, or it will lift the cuticles and cause your hair to frizzle.

Add a smoothing hair serum to damp hair and use a wide-toothed comb to distribute it evenly, instead of a brush

(which can cause hair breakage). Again, focus on the ends and lengths of your hair. Also known as “Wash and set”, wet styling helps to reduce frizz, promote hair health and growth, and help you obtain that long-lasting kinky curls

2)  Use the right Hair conditioner formula

Curls need a ton of moisture to stay curly. But most moisturizing shampoos are filled with harsh detergents called
sulfates, if you have the time, it’s always better to air-dry curly hair. By applying hair serum (or another hair styling product) to
damp hair and then wrapping it in a microfiber towel, you can create healthy curls that are super glossy. 

No frizzy hair here, it strips the moisture from your curls leaving them dry, brittle and straw-like. An ideal moisturizer
for your hair would be the one that contains a lot of oils, especially coconut oils (insert a moisturizing product).
When you use such a moisturizer, your hair will be moist at all times and it will also stay curly.

3) Mousse up:

You may be wary of crunchy hair, but hair mousse really can work for curly hair if you apply it to damp hair and

don’t use too much. Apply it in sections and gently scrunch the mousse into your curls—no need to crush it. Mousses contain alcohol, so it will aid in the 

drying of your hair and the setting of your curls. It’s both suitable for short and long hair.

4) Add heat protection for hair: 

Before Blow Drying your hair or getting into a dryer, you need to apply a heat protecting serum. Usually in spray

form that creates a silicone barrier to limit heat damaged hair. Try using (add a product) for a better experience.

5) Dig out your hair diffuser:

Now you can dry your hair using a hair diffuser (the go-to attachment for curly hair). It limits the amount of hot air

that can damage your hair and creates evenly distributed hair volume. Use on a low heat setting and scrunch while blowing to prevent damaged hair.

6) Air Drying

Alternatively, if you have the time, it’s always better to air-dry curly hair. By applying hair serum (or another hair styling product)
to damp hair and then wrapping it in a microfiber towel, you can create healthy curls that are super glossy. No frizzy hair here!

7) Curl cool, dry hair: 

If you are looking to boost your curls or create gentler hair waves, reach for a curling iron. Make sure you only style

completely dry, cooled hair, use low heat and let each section cool again before coming back to it if necessary. Do not over apply heat to your hair, else you may heat damage it.

8) Brave a cold blast: 

Blasting curly hair with cold air after styling will make it glossier because it closes up the cuticle. The same is true

when you finish showering – a blast of cold water will seal in your conditioner.

9) Keep hair oil handy: 

Stash a small tube of hair oil, like (insert a product), in your bag so you can add a few drops whenever frizz threatens

and ensure that your curly hair is always nourished and glossy.